Source code for meteoserver.sundata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright (c) 2020-2021  Marc van der Sluys -
#  This file is part of the Meteoserver Python package, containing a Python module to obtain and read Dutch
#  weather data from  See:
#  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
#  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
#  warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this code.  If not, see
#  <>.

    Functions to obtain, read and write four-day sun-forecast ("Zon Actueel") data from

import pandas as pd
import json
import requests

[docs] def read_json_url_sunData(key, location, loc=False, numeric=True): """Get the Sun data from the Meteoserver server and return the current-data and forecast dataframes and optionally the location name. This uses the "Zon Actueel" Meteoserver API/data. Parameters: key (string): The Meteoserver API key. location (string): The name of the location (in the Netherlands) to obtain data for (e.g. 'De Bilt'). loc (bool): Return the location name as a third return value (default=False). numeric (bool): Convert dataframe content from strings to numeric/datetime format (default=True). Set this to False if you intend to write a JSON file that is (nearly) identical to the original format. Returns: tuple (df, df (,str)): Tuple containing (current, forecast (, location)): - current (df): Pandas dataframe containing current-weather data from a nearby station. - forecast (df): Pandas dataframe containing forecast data for the specified location (or region?). - retLoc (str): The name of the location the data are for (only returned if loc=True). """ # Get online data and return a string containing the json file: dataJSON = requests.get(''+location+'&key='+key).text # Convert the JSON 'file' to a dictionary with keys 'plaatsnaam', 'current' and 'forecast': dataDict = json.loads(dataJSON) # Note: .loads(), not .load()! # Get the current-data and forecast dataframes from the data dictionary: retLoc, current, forecast = extract_Sun_dataframes_from_dict(dataDict, numeric) if(loc): return current, forecast, retLoc else: return current, forecast
[docs] def read_json_file_sunData(fileJSON, loc=False, numeric=True): """Read a Meteoserver Sun-data JSON file from disc and return the current-data and forecast dataframes, and optionally the location name. This uses the "Zon Actueel" Meteoserver data. Parameters: fileJSNO (string): The name of the JSON file to read. loc (bool): Return the location name as a third return value (default=False). numeric (bool): Convert dataframe content from strings to numeric/datetime format (default=True). Set this to False if you intend to write a JSON file that is (nearly) identical to the original format. Returns: tuple (df, df (,str)): Tuple containing (current, forecast (, location)): - current (df): Pandas dataframe containing current-weather data from a nearby station. - forecast (df): Pandas dataframe containing forecast data for the specified location (or region?). - location (str): The location the data are for. """ with open(fileJSON) as dataJSON: # Convert the JSON 'file' to a dictionary with keys 'plaatsnaam', 'current' and 'forecast': dataDict = json.load(dataJSON) # Note: .load(), not .loads()! # Get the location, current-data and forecast dataframes from the data dictionary: location, current, forecast = extract_Sun_dataframes_from_dict(dataDict, numeric) if(loc): return current, forecast, location else: return current, forecast
[docs] def extract_Sun_dataframes_from_dict(dataDict, numeric): """Extract the location name, current-data and forecast Pandas dataframes from a data dictionary. Parameters: dataDict (dict): The name of the data dictionary to convert. numeric (bool): Convert dataframe content from strings to numeric/datetime format (default=True). Set this to False if you intend to write a JSON file that is (nearly) identical to the original format. Returns: tuple (str, df, df): Tuple containing (location, current, forecast): - current (df): Pandas dataframe containing current-weather data from a nearby station. - forecast (df): Pandas dataframe containing forecast data for the specified location (or region?). - forecast (df): Pandas dataframe containing forecast data for the specified location (or region?). """ # print(dataDict.keys()) # Dictionary with keys: ['plaatsnaam', 'current', 'forecast'] # print(type(dataDict['plaatsnaam'])) # List # print(type(dataDict['current'])) # List # print(len(dataDict['forecast'])) # List with (112) forecasts # for item in dataDict['forecast']: # Dictionary with forecast data # print("%i %s %4i %2i %3i" %(int(item['time']), item['cet'], int(item['gr']), int(item['sd']), int(item['tc']))) # Convert the 'plaatsnaam' list of dictionaries to a string containing the location name: location = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataDict['plaatsnaam']).plaats[0] # List of dict -> df -> str # Convert the 'current' list of dictionaries to Pandas dataframe: current = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataDict['current']) # Convert the df elements to numeric/datetime types: if(numeric): # Add date from 'cet' column to sunrise and sunset (while 'cet' is still a string): if('sr' in current.columns): = current.cet.str.slice(0,10) + ' ' + # Create a string from the first 10 characters of the date + space + time = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', errors='coerce') # String -> datetime if('ss' in current.columns): = current.cet.str.slice(0,10) + ' ' + # Create a string from the first 10 characters of the date + space + time = pd.to_datetime(, format='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', errors='coerce') # String -> datetime if('time' in current.columns): current.time = pd.to_numeric(current.time, errors='coerce').values if('cet' in current.columns): current.cet = pd.to_datetime(current.cet, format='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', errors='coerce') if('elev' in current.columns): current.elev = pd.to_numeric(current.elev, errors='coerce').values if('az' in current.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('temp' in current.columns): current.temp = pd.to_numeric(current.temp, errors='coerce').values if('gr' in current.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('gr_w' in current.columns): current.gr_w = pd.to_numeric(current.gr_w, errors='coerce').values # New since 2021-06-17! if('sd' in current.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('tc' in current.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('vis' in current.columns): current.vis = pd.to_numeric(current.vis, errors='coerce').values if('prec' in current.columns): current.prec = pd.to_numeric(current.prec, errors='coerce').values # print(current) # Convert the 'forecast' list of dictionaries to Pandas dataframe: forecast = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataDict['forecast']) # Convert the df elements to numeric/datetime types: if(numeric): if('time' in forecast.columns): forecast.time = pd.to_numeric(forecast.time, errors='coerce').values if('cet' in forecast.columns): forecast.cet = pd.to_datetime(forecast.cet, format='%d-%m-%Y %H:%M', errors='coerce') if('elev' in forecast.columns): forecast.elev = pd.to_numeric(forecast.elev, errors='coerce').values if('az' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('temp' in forecast.columns): forecast.temp = pd.to_numeric(forecast.temp, errors='coerce').values if('gr' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('gr_w' in forecast.columns): forecast.gr_w = pd.to_numeric(forecast.gr_w, errors='coerce').values # New since 2021-06-17! if('sd' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('tc' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('lc' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('mc' in forecast.columns): = pd.to_numeric(, errors='coerce').values if('hc' in forecast.columns): forecast.hc = pd.to_numeric(forecast.hc, errors='coerce').values if('vis' in forecast.columns): forecast.vis = pd.to_numeric(forecast.vis, errors='coerce').values if('prec' in forecast.columns): forecast.prec = pd.to_numeric(forecast.prec, errors='coerce').values # print(forecast) return location, current, forecast
[docs] def write_json_file_sunData(fileName, location, current, forecast): """Write a Meteoserver sun-forecast-data JSON file to disc. The resulting file has the same format as a downloaded file (barring some spacing). Parameters: fileName (string): The name of the JSON file to write. location (string): The location the data are for. current (df): Pandas dataframe containing current/recent measurements for the specified location (or region). forecast (df): Pandas dataframe containing sun forecast data for the specified location (or region). """ # Convert location string into a dict: locationDict = {} locationDict['plaats'] = location # Convert current dataframe into a dict: currentDict = current.to_dict(orient='records') # Convert forecast dataframe into a dict: forecastDict = forecast.to_dict(orient='records') # Put the dicts into an enveloping dict: fileJSON = {} # Add the location: fileJSON['plaatsnaam'] = [] fileJSON['plaatsnaam'].append(locationDict) # Add the current measurements: fileJSON['current'] = currentDict # Add the forecast data: fileJSON['forecast'] = forecastDict # Write the resulting dictionary to a json file: fileJSON = json.dumps(fileJSON, indent=None, separators=(',',':'), default=str) # Create a JSON string, even with non-serialisable Timestamps - This adds " and ecapes existing ones. outFile = open(fileName,'w') outFile.write(fileJSON+'\n') # Needs '\n' to match server version. outFile.close() return
# with open(fileName, 'w') as outFile: # try: # json.dump(fileJSON, outFile) # except Exception as e: # print("An error occurred when creating the JSON output file "+fileName+": ", end='') # print(e) # print("Did you forget to specify 'numeric=False' when reading the solar data?") # print("Aborting.") # exit(1) # # return